Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Research of Pthisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Examination of Pthisis - Essay Example Laennec contended on both clinical and after death grounds that pathognomonic was the sign of phthisis. Through the information he had on the reason and area of the infection he distinguished various conclusions like scrofula and tuberculosis meningitis. A test that was basic among the French doctors was the distinguishing proof of the illness. There are various sorts of ailments that existed in their jargon accordingly; it was difficult to know a malady. They depended for the most part on connections between's clinical signs and obsessive changes to separate maladies and with future turns of events; measures of recognizing an ailment have been created (McNeill, pp. 22). This saw the improvement of the analysis to patients as it was anything but difficult to distinguish the infection a patient was experiencing. Something that grieved the doctors was fever and this was tackled in nineteenth century when they came to recognize fever as an indication of a malady. Phthisis in Early Civil ization A revelation of human stays in 2008 indicated that tuberculosis existed 9000 years prior in a settlement in the eastern Mediterranean during the Neolithic time (McNeill, pp. 24). This is the most established at any point revealed proof of TB contamination in individuals and it was affirmed by morphological and sub-atomic strategies. A few creators have recognized tuberculosis to be the main malady to be known to mankind. More proof on tuberculosis during the Neolithic time was additionally found in a burial ground in nearness to Heidelberg. Indications of the ailment have additionally been found among Egyptian mummies in the period somewhere in the range of 3000 and 2400 BCE. This shows the infection has been in presence for a long time and this is the reason broad exploration has been done on the equivalent. In 1881 Grebart found a... Since the revelation of tuberculosis as a stellar ailment, broad exploration has been done on the equivalent. The examination has kept on progressing with more disclosures that are assisting with relieving the malady. Through exploration of tuberculosis, doctors have additionally had the option to investigate on different ailments. There are different sicknesses that are firmly identified with TB like typhoid and clinical scientists have had the option to separate TB from different maladies. All the indications of the infection at the fingertips of doctors and this have assisted with moderating the instances of wrong treatment. Through examination on tuberculosis, doctors had the option to find that fever is an indication of an infection and not a sickness without anyone else. This disclosure better exploration and from that point doctors had the option to find different infections like yellow fever. The disclosure of the antibody on the twentieth century was vital. BCG has assumed a n essential job in checking TB and all the more so in third world and thickly populated nations. In spite of the endeavors that are been made through worldwide associations, TB has stayed to be a danger of human life and at present India denotes the most elevated passings from TB per annum.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Monopoly and Microsoft Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Imposing business model and Microsoft - Essay Example As will be exhibited in this concise expository reaction, it is the conviction of this creator that a restraining infrastructure, paying little mind to its shape, size, or structure, is at last dangerous to the market and hurtful to the end purchaser (Kapoor, 2009). All things considered, the instance of Microsoft and a conversation of financial hypothesis, just as the conduct that Microsoft has shown in the course of recent decades, will be locked in as a methods for understanding this specific methodology. Besides, it is the expectation of this writer that the peruser will go to an increasingly significant degree of comprehension as for the way that imposing business models are at last unsafe and don't speak to a net advantage to the general public all in all (figures 1 and 2 inside the supplement of this concise work exhibit the mischief that a restraining infrastructure can have concerning expanded costs paid by the end shopper). Syndication and Microsoft: In understanding the im posing business model that Windows has on the client experience of working a PC, one ought not just look to the manner by which the firm overwhelms the working framework itself. Rather, a speedy thought of late history uncovers that Microsoft has since a long time ago developed the imposing business model that it presently holds (Ohlhausen, 2004). For example, Microsoft deliberately bundled Internet Explorer inside Windows 95 and after as a methods for diminishing the market nearness and by and large degree of gainfulness that Netscape could have in the market (Gisser, 2011). As this was a viable apparatus towards diminishing rivalry, and Microsoft before long took in the advantage of bundled software’s capacity to additionally characterize the market that it had just caught, much a similar method was utilized concerning the sound/video player of Windows Media Player (Vogelstein, 2004). Understanding the a reiteration of various new companies were taking steps to take piece o f the pie from Microsoft, a similar procedure of bundling Windows Media Player into the working framework as a methods for incorporating the item with what must be depicted as a hostage advertise (Greene et al. ,2004). As can be solidly noticed, the monopolistic model of rivalry is at last hurtful to the market and to the shopper. The main substance that profits by such a model is clearly the maker. As figure 1 and figure 2 both signify, a specific degree of deadweight misfortune is forecasted by the restraining infrastructure. As a graphical portrayal encourages the peruser to comprehend, this deadweight misfortune is really taken from the harmony cost and request; in this manner making the great under monopolistic rivalry extraordinarily more expensive than it would be in ordinary rivalry. As recently meant, this all by itself is locked in by the restraining infrastructure dealer as a methods for bringing about further benefits. Figure 1: Figure 2: Microsoft’s Approach to P rofitability and the Engagement of the Monopoly as a Function of Capitalist Drive Likewise, in trying to comprehend the methodology that Microsoft has connected with, it must be characterized as one that is limited by sound personal circumstance in the feeling of proceeding to accumulate further degrees of gainfulness and keep on incorporating into further markets (Cohen et al., 1999). Indeed, even a careless audit into the present time doesn't uncover a Microsoft that permits its destiny to be stuck upon the achievement or disappointment of a working framework; rather, when one ganders at the essence of Microsoft, one can see a firm that has as of late extended to buy a controlling

Friday, August 21, 2020

15, at 628PM ET

MIT EA Decisions To Be Posted Wednesday, 12/16/15, at 628PM ET Ive stopped watching Tom Brady catch a double-reverse pass long enough to tell you, as the title says,we will be releasing Early Action decisions online next Wednesday, 12/16/15, at Tau Time (i.e. 6:28PM ET). To check your decision on the 16th, visit and log in with your MyMIT username and password. In order to verify that you will receive a decision on the 16th, you should visit log in with your MyMIT username and password. I recommend you do this now to make sure everything works for you. Strange things happen to people who dont verify they will receive their decision! Dont let this happen to you If youve forgotten your MyMIT password, you may use our automated system to reset it. Simply visit MyMIT and click on the lost password link. There is a similar link for forgotten usernames. If youre having trouble using our automated username/password recovery process, please email mymitpassword [at] mit [dot] eduwith your full name and mailing address. But please, be nice to our office, and dont email that link unless youve tried everything else! Admissions decisions will be available exclusively online. Decisions will not be released via email, snail mail, carrier pigeon, carrier dragon, or intergalactic radio broadcast. However, following the release of admissions decisions, we will be mailing admitted students additional, cylindrical information. Post Tagged #Early Action

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Taking a look at the Great Depression - 795 Words

Great Depression The great depression was one of the worst disasters that occurred in U.S history. October 29, 1929, is the day the stock market crashed, and that day was the beginning of The â€Å"Great Depression†. Many US citizens suffered through this depression, children couldn’t go to school because their parents couldn’t afford to buy school supplies, and children had to work at a young age. Families lost their homes to the bank and they were forced to create homes out of driftwood, cardboard, or even newspapers. The U.S blamed The â€Å"Great Depression† on President Herbert Hoover; they actually named a small town after him. President Roosevelt was a hero to the US; it’s because of him that the US had a major turnaround. It was untimely the entrance of the U.S into WW2 that ended The â€Å"Great Depression† in the United States. Moreover, President Roosevelt is the reason why the U.S not in the â€Å"Great Depression† anymore. The Great Depression did not only affect children and parents. It also affected farmers a lot; farmers were usually safe form a depression because they were able to feed themselves. However, during The Great Depression, the Great Plains got it bad. The Great Plains were hit hard by enormous dust storms. The dust storms destroyed everything in their path, leaving farmers with nothing but loose grass and no crops. When the dust storms eradicated the crops, the farmers were unable to feed their families and on top of that, they wereShow MoreRelatedTaking a Look at the Great Depression557 Words   |  2 Pages The United States in the 1920’s was a land of great wealth and prosperity. With the rise of industrialism, fortunes were being made. Along with the wealth and prosperity came lavishness and excess the likes of which hadn’t been seen since ancient Rome. Even the prohibition was in effect, the liquor flowed and with it, so did the cash. There was no end in sight. There was no reason to think it would end. It was this nearsightedness along with numerous other unforeseen circumstances that lead toRead MoreEmployment, Relief and the Breadwinner Ideal: A Historiography of the Great Depression in Canada1408 Words   |  6 PagesThey also look at work discrimination of women based on gender and marital status. They argue that disapproval of married women working for wages during the Depression was expressed not only by those in position of power, such as politicians, but also by the general public and labour unions. They suggest that the number of women in the workforce increased as more young wives stayed working until the birth of their first child and older women entered the workforce in response to depression based deprivationRead MoreDepression : An Endless Battle956 Words   |  4 PagesDepression: An Endless Battle Out of the many psychological disorders that affect people in the world today, there is no more serious disorder than depression. Depression can be defined as a particular type of disorder that affects an individual’s mood in a negative or undesirable manner, which is definitely something that should not be taken lightly. The reason that believe this, is because often at times, depression can end in tragedy. As someone who was able to beat depression at a younger ageRead MoreEssay on The Great Depression878 Words   |  4 PagesThe Great Depression In other periods of depression, it has always been possible to see some things which were solid and upon which you could base hope... but as I look around about, I now see nothing to give ground to hope.† This great quote was made by former president, Coolidge. In the great depression people in cities and towns already lost too many jobs. Farmers struggles have already been happening since the 1920s, and farmers tried to do anything to save their farms. However, farmers mayRead MoreEssay about Cinderella Man 701 Words   |  3 Pagesthe great depression, and the film does well to show this. The film also does a good job of chronicling the life of the everyday man during the great depression. This essay aims to discuss the role of the stock market crash in the beginning of the great depression, the effects of the depression on the life of the everyday man, and the effects of the depression on the life of James J Braddock and his family. There is no doubt that the stock market crash contributed to the great depression, butRead MoreHow Social Factors Affect The Type Of Treatment The Patient?987 Words   |  4 Pagesdisorders. When researching, social factors can be determining what the research looks like, what gets researched and how the research dollars are spent. With treatment, of course, we would want to look at how social factors would influence the type of treatment the patient might receive. Diagnosis/Classification When looking at how social factors can influence diagnosis, there is a focus given on societal norms. If we look at a patient from Haiti, where the practice of voodoo is quite common it couldRead MoreEliminating The Depths Of Depression With Modern Medicine1131 Words   |  5 PagesEliminating the Depths of Depression with Modern Medicine Depression is like drowning with no hope for air. Of course, everyone hits that point in their life when everything seems to be unbearably hard, but until one lives with depression one will never know the damage it brings. Untreated depression is the number one cause of suicide today. There are many causes and solutions to this problem starting from genetics to therapy. Depression is a serious problem in our world today, especially if oneRead MoreThe Importance Of Creating A Project1098 Words   |  5 PagesDo not look where you fell, but where you slipped. This pronoun from the Chinese is an eye opener and a pronoun that people still follow.There are some words that can be said about how to end or start a project. When there is a start of a project during the middle it failed at what result was not the correct one and there is no chance of restarting and the project is stuck forever with no possibility of never correcting it. There are always positive and negative outcomes in every situation. To giveRead MoreThe Publics Interaction With Anxiety, Depression, And Its Treatment1587 Words   |  7 Pages The Publics Interaction with Anxiety, Depression, and its Treatment Elijah-Smith-Antonides Community College of Road Island General Psychology Traci A. Rossi December 5th, 2016 â€Æ' The Publics Interaction with Anxiety, Depression, and its Treatment The treatment of mental disorders has made a huge amount of progress since the original days of cutting open a person’s head and letting the demons leak out. It seems that depression and anxiety are on the rise these days demanding more attentionRead MoreA Brief Note On Dorothea Lange s Migrant Mother1705 Words   |  7 Pagesphotographs to be taken in the Great Depression era. It is titled Migrant Mother, and it was taken in 1936. The photo takes the overall feeling of how difficult it was to survive during the depression and presents it in a single face. Anyone viewing this image can feel the simultaneous fear and strength that the woman exudes, as well as the love she has for her children, and the worry she has or their well being. The Great Depression was one of the most extreme economic depressions that the world has ever

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Personal Statement Self Disclosure - 789 Words

Assignment 2.1: Self-Disclosure Robin Ignacio Concorde Career College, North Hollywood campus What is the definition of self-disclosure? According to the textbook Essentials of Human Communication, the term self-disclosure is defined as â€Å"a type of communication in which you reveal information or the process of revealing something about yourself to another person. Usually refers to information that would normally be kept hidden. In considering self-disclosure, consider the legitimacy of your motives for disclosing, the appropriateness of the disclosure, the listener’s responses (is the dyadic effect operating?), and the potential burdens self-disclosures might impose.† Some factors that influence self-disclosure are who you are, your culture, your gender, who your listeners are, and your topic and channel. There are many rewards and there are some dangers related to self-disclosure. The four rewards for self-disclosure are self-knowledge, improved coping abilities, communication enhancement, and more meaningful relationships. The three dangers of self-disclosure are personal risks relationship risks, and professional risks. There are four guidelines for making self-disclosures. First is considering the motivation for the self-disclosure. Self-disclosure should be motivated by a concern for the relationship, for the others involved, and for yourself. For example, my friend’s relationship involved a lot of fighting and he wanted to be honest with herShow MoreRelatedPersonal Statement And Self Disclosure759 Words   |  4 Pagesall dimensions in a virtual environment. Regarding self-presentation and self-disclosure, as collaborative projects usually only focus on specific content domains, blogs tend to score higher than it. Similarly, social networking sites provide more self-presentation than that of content communities. Finally, because of strict guidelines ruling users to behave in a certain way, virtual game worlds normally present relatively lower self-disclosure than virtual social worlds [24]. As this research focusesRead MoreThe Working Alliance Between Supervisor And Supervisee970 Words   |  4 Pagesaimed at developing science-informed practice are facilitated through a collaborative interpersonal process† (Falender Shafranske, 2004). According to Falander and Shafranske (2004), clinical supervision involves observation, feedback, facilitating self-assessment of the supervisee, and knowledge acquisition through a variety of methods. In supervising developing therapists, more senior members of the profession monitor the overall quality and development of the professional services being offeredRead MoreExpressing Affection: a Vocabulary of Loving Messages1647 Words   |  7 Pages#20 by Charles A Wilkinson â€Å"Love seeketh not Itself to please, Nor for itself hath any care; But for another gives its ease, And builds a Heaven in Hells despair†. These moving words by William Blake show that to Love another you have to move beyond self interest and express our affection for them. The essay by Wilkinson, â€Å"a marriage and family therapist (p150)†, explores the ways we go about expressing our affection to others and the difficulty that arises when we cannot communicate effectively. WilkinsonRead MoreEthical Boundaries Misused in Today’s Clinical Psychology Essay1677 Words   |  7 PagesGlass called these, â€Å"the gray areas of boundary crossing and violation† (429). However, there is further description, â€Å"Boundary issues mostly refer to the therapists self-disclosure, touch, an exchange of gifts, bartering and fees, length and location of sessions and contact outside the office† (Guthiel Gabbard). This statement by Thomas G. Gutheil, M.D. G len O. Gabbard, M.D explains the meaning of boundary issues that most will face in treating patients in the mental health profession. TheRead MoreSelf Disclosure And Social Networking Sites Essay972 Words   |  4 Pagesarea of self-disclosure. Research has typically centered on the: type of disclosure made i.e. positive or negative, the value of the disclosure made i.e. level of intimacy and the benefits of making a disclosure (Berg Derlega, 1987). More recently, self-disclosure research has expanded to include the use of social networking sites, most notably Facebook (e.g. Forest Wood, 2012; Namkee, Borae, Seung-A, 2011; Qiu, Lin, Leung Tov, 2012). Self-disclosure is a deliberate exchange of personal informationRead MoreDual Relationships and Self-Disclosure Essay1122 Words   |  5 PagesDual Relationships and Self-Disclosure Chemical Dependency counselors have quite a few ethical dilemmas to deal with. Therapists that are in recovery may confront some even more complex dilemmas, opposed to those who are not. There is a high percentage of addiction counselors that are in recovery. In fact, 55% of 36,000 members of the National Association of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Counselors (NAADAC) are recovering alcoholics and 21% are recovering from some other chemical dependency.Read MoreA Research Study Used A Convenience Sample881 Words   |  4 Pagesagreed to participate in this study. Respondents were assured that their participation was anonymous and notified that the professor for the respective class approved this study. Each male and female respondent randomly assigned to one of the four self-report rating scales. Demographic information of the respondents such as sex, age, and year classification was asked but was not a qualification to be a participant. B. Design The design of the experiment was a One-Way ANOVA with four conditionsRead MoreThe Attachment Styles Of Infants1312 Words   |  6 PagesType B attachment secure relationship was characterised by intimate, comfort in being emotionally close, trust and also self-disclosure. Meanwhile, relationship of Type A attachment people were described as superficial, cold and aloof. They were also reluctant to have a long-term commitment to relationship. Relationship of adults with Type C attachment was identified by coupled self-doubt, jealousy, and fear of being abandoned or rejected (Peterson, 2012). The attachment styles of infants usually beingRead MoreEssay on Short Answer Questions - Ethics1084 Words   |  5 Pageswhere a counsellor is not competent to engage in therapeutic relationship with a client. Name two cases where this may be so, and give reasons why terminating the relationship may be advisable? In case one the client and therapist may engage in a personal/private relationship outside of the practice, this is unethical and makes the therapist incompetent to continue a therapeutic relationship with the client involved. Two reasonable reasons why terminating the relationship both therapeutic/privateRead MoreThe Importance Of Interpersonal Communication1316 Words   |  6 Pagesrelationship or work environment; however, communication has many underlying and hidden factors affect the quality of interactions. Learning the mechanics of interpersonal communications increases job success, improves relationships, and improves personal well-being. While many agree that interpersonal communication is important in society, many forget communication’s essential counterpart: listening. Listening, while one of the most used skills, is the least taught, leading to issues in many relationships

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Hearsay, Lies and Nursing School Personal Goal Statement Samples Essay

Hearsay, Lies and Nursing School Personal Goal Statement Samples Essay Key Pieces of Nursing School Personal Goal Statement Samples Essay Finding the most suitable advertising strategies to use has ever been a challenging endeavor for smaller businesses. If you don't have volunteer experience, maybe you could write about personal experiences that have motivated your application. If you're contemplating creating a marketing application, you will need to start with an advertising plan. You must specify a timeframe to finish your objective. Nursing School Personal Goal Statement Samples Essay - Dead or Alive? Though your choir is progressively learning the repertoire of songs for the very first month, begin to appear ahead to where you'd like to see them by say, the close of the quarter. Ultimately, hearing your paper out loud will provide you with a feeling of its tone. You had help at each step along the way. New Step by Step Roadmap for Nursing School Personal Goal Statemen t Samples Essay Employed as a nursing assistant is among the activities that have influenced my choice to follow a career in Mental Health Nursing. You would like to utilize your essay for a tool to demonstrate why you need to go to their school, versus simply stating why you wish to go there. Highlight the things you want to put in your essay, summarize your individual story and incorporate your qualifications. Writing a great nursing school essay is quite important to getting your application considered and accepted. New Step by Step Roadmap for Nursing School Personal Goal Statement Samples Essay There are lots of sources of essay samples online, however, not all them actually offer you worthwhile tips. Write informative articles regarding the service you provide. In the instance of the endorsement letter, for example, it's fairly easy to assemble examples discover that a print edition of that battery ad with Michael Jordan. Nearly all of examples are posted as a member of writing guides published on the internet by educational institutions. 1 method is to make your own outline to organize your ideas and your story better. There's almost always a very clear purpose for writing. A mind map is able to help you get started brainstorming. It is a spidergram that offers a structured method for developing ideas. Nursing programs are a few of the most popular, and subsequently among the most competitive out there, so if you wish to receive an excellent chance at acceptance you should locate a way to separate yourself from the masses and create the institution remember you. Nurses arrive at the profession for all kinds of explanations. To begin with, don't compose a typical nursing personal statement. As an administrative assistant you ought to be very organized. It's also worth to mention the way you can contribute to that organization. In order to remain motivated and on track you need to use a measurable standard so you're able to track your progress. Developing a nursing personal statement that's notable for its distinctive content demands a lot of preparation and planning. Names and identifying characteristics are changed. Finding reliable statement help Before you are able to take advantage of statement samples, however, finding a trusted source ought to be your very priority. The Little-Known Secrets to Nursing School Personal Goal Statement Samples Essay There's a greater chance you will accomplish your aims by writing them down. Understanding of vital components of succeeding from the very inception will cause the life objectives and plans formation. Review what you've been requested to address in your essay Sometimes educational institutions wish to find out mor e than just your career objectives. Focus on themes and specific goal statements as opposed to attempting to supply a biography. Assuming which you want to get hired by a fantastic company, normally you'll be requested to write a skilled goals essay to demonstrate that you're the most proper candidate to occupy the available position. Link education to your upcoming career Elaborate how your educational background will let you attain your professional objectives. Has up-to-date abilities and the capability to learn new abilities and procedures without difficulty. There are a lot of career options out there in the health care field.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Architecture The Victorian Halls Building †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Architecture The Victorian Halls Building? Answer: Introduction This article discusses Australian architecture and what influenced the styles of the 19th century to the early 20th century period in the context of style and architectural decorum. The article bases its discusses with a focus on the Victorian trades hall building, located in Melbourne and also discusses its structural design and engineering Australian Architecture History Architecture in Australia has largely evolved along the wider Western World architectural trends, albeit with modifications and adaptations to suit the distinct cultural aspects and climatic conditions found in Australia. In the Victorian period between 1840 and 1890, the common architectural style predominant in Australia was the Gothic revival architecture.1 The Gothic revival architecture was largely used in religious buildings (churches), university buildings and even banks and is characterized by pointed arches in doors and windows, decorative elements and roof gables and/ or pitched roofs. Following this period, the late Victorian architecture was largely use; however, the early 20th century saw a shift to the modernist style, with modifications and adaptations to suit the Australian climate and culture. 2 Orientalism in Australian Architecture The building was constructed over a long time period, from 1973 to 1926, with its original 1870s style prominent, but orientalism architecture also included. The building is made using quality materials with brick walls having unpainted cement rendered finish and blue-stone foundations.3 The building has Corinthian pilasters with Orientalism depicted in its urns and bandstands. The orientalist designs are thus an important aspect of the building1 Conclusion The Victorian Trade hall Building is based largely on the late Victorian style that evolves from the early Gothic style; orientalism elements are used in the building as shown bu its urns and bandstands, with high quality materials being used. The building has brick walls with cement render finish that is unpainted [1] References Edquist, Harriet, and Elizabeth Grierson. 2012. A skilled hand and cultivated mind: a guide to the architecture and art of RMIT University. Melbourne: RMIT University Press. MacKenzie, John M. 2007. Orientalism: history, theory and the arts. Manchester [u.a.]: Manchester Univ. Press. Willis, Julie, and Philip Goad. 2012. The Encyclopedia of Australian Architecture. Willis, Julie, and Philip Goad. 2012. The Encyclopedia of Australian Architecture. MacKenzie, John M. 2007. Orientalism: history, theory and the arts. Manchester [u.a.]: Manchester Univ. Press. Edquist, Harriet, and Elizabeth Grierson. 2012. A skilled hand and cultivated mind: a guide to the architecture and art of RMIT University. Melbourne: RMIT University Press.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Debt and Leverage Ratio Essay Example

Debt and Leverage Ratio Essay I would recommend financial strategies # 2 $100 million purchase price funded by 100% debt. (This is before I did free cash flow forecast for # 9). It will provide the highest tax shield of $17. 49 million for CPP. In addition, Pinkerton has the highest value of $107. 34 million under this strategy. 7. Below is the balance sheet after CPP and Pinkerton acquisition. * CPP market value leverage ratio is 7. 46% and book value leverage is 14. 69% before acquisition. * After acquisition, with $75 million debts, the market value leverage ratio is 52. 9% and the book value leverage ratio is 64. 49%. * After acquisition, with 100 million debts, the market value leverage ratio is 69. 95% and the book value leverage ratio is 85. 14%. 8. Below is the transaction of loss equity. CPP receives $25 million from the bank but gives up $32. 58 million to the bank for the promised 45% equity after acquisition. The cost of doing equity issue is $7. 58 million. Equity Issue with $ 75 million debt| Value of Combined CPP| 147. 4| Minus Long term debt| 75| Equity| 72. 4| Minus 45% to banks| 32. 58| CPP receive| 25| Loss| 7. 58| 9. From the expected cash flow table below, CPP has extra free cash flow by financing $75 million debt compare to financing $100 million. Both strategies provide positive free cash flow for the next five years. From the Pessimistic cash flow table below, CPP has more cash flow by financing $75 million debt compare to financing $100 million. $75 million debt strategy provides positive cash flow for the next five years. On the other hand, $ 100 million debt financing will lead to negative cash flow on the fourth and fifth year. 10. * I would recommend Tom Wathen to bid on Pinkerton. The acquisition with Pinkerton will create synergy and bring incremental free cash flow to CPP. According to the valuation, the value of CPP is about $ 41. 53 million and the value after acquisition will increase to $147 million. * Initially, CPP bided $85 million but was rejected. From the valuation, Pinkerton is worth $108 million (include incremental value) at the expected value and $85 million (include incremental value) at the pessimistic value. If you take the average of $108 million and $85 million it comes to $96 million. Therefore, I would recommend Wathen to bid $96 million. We will write a custom essay sample on Debt and Leverage Ratio specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Debt and Leverage Ratio specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Debt and Leverage Ratio specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This would ensure that Wathen’s bid would come in at the right price and not be lower than other bidders. * After doing the free cash flow forecast for the next five years there was negative cash flow with $100 million debt in pessimistic period. Wathen should finance $96 million with 75% in debt ($72 million) and $24 million in equity in exchange for 31 % of the equity in the new combined firm. By doing this, it will ensure no equity loss to the bank. In addition, with $72 million in debt and $24 million in equity will ensure no negative cash flow when the economy is bad (in pessimistic period).

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Services Marketing Case Study Essays

Services Marketing Case Study Essays Services Marketing Case Study Essay Services Marketing Case Study Essay These customers vary in terms of their requirements and expectations. It is important for the carriers to leverage the available data to get insights into the passenger behavior Getable operated in the low-fare category of the industry, but unlike other low-fare airlines, Getable wasnt a no-frills airline Offerings Getable experience Bring humanity back to Air travel and make the experience Of flying happier and easier for everyone Wider leather seats More legroom and storage space In-flight entertainment (24 channels) Dedicated service personnel Free co-branded amenities Touch screen check-in Pre-assigned seats It offered a unique flying experience due to its Humanity touch The airlines tapped in on caring for its customers in an industry that lacked compassion, a missing human touch. It offered to better the lives of its customers, creamers and the communities. This commitment to inspiring humanity was their differentiator. The airline also flew its planes from point to point. It did not use the hub system of other airlines. By using the point-to point system, Getable was very selective when picking the geographic markets where it wants to compete. VALUE CHAIN Inbound Logistics Internet presence and web-based ticketing Operations crew scheduling, no meals, automated baggage handling Outbound Airports chosen carefully, less congested Make. ND sales work from home call centers, attractive pricing Service customer-focus, CEO who interacts Service Value : Highly productive people, productive aircrafts, caring culture of he organization Hard standards: On time performance Customer support Complaint handling time Bill of Rights Time for boarding Soft Standards: Friendly personnel Cleanliness on-flight Getable understood its internal environment, the external environment, competition, as well as its own customers and potential customers. Nonins ured behavioral segmentation and competitive advantage to be ahead of its competitors. Service Marketing Triangle: External Marketing: Jet blues external marketing promises to the customer were low cost and high service quality. The service facilities like Spa, Live TV, Dunking Donuts Effie, Satellite radio were examples of the same. Internal Marketing: Jet Blues was able to enable its promise by inspiring its employee. Jet Blue had a humble CEO who cultivated the sense of team work in its employees. The CEO had the ability to connect with its people. The Jet Blue involved its employee in every aspect of the business. The Supervisors in Jet Blue attended the Jet Blue University to learn the company principles of team work. The inculcated the sense of We in the Jet Blue crew members. They increased the work force productivity through better training and smarter business processes. The internal marketing in Jet Blue helped the airlines to keep its employees motivated and they were actually seen defending the airlines during the time of the crisis. Interactive Marketing: Jet blues CEO used to frequently travel in the airlines and used to connect with the customers to take the feedback on the services provided and also requested them to provide suggestions on the improvement of the airline service as a whole. This was an example of CEO leading its employee by example. Jet blue won lot of awards, In 2007 Jet Blue was named as number three most admired airline by fortune and best in customer satisfaction by Market Matrix in 2006. They were also picked as best domestic airline by Coned NASA Travel and Travel + Leisure. They had a fleet of highly motivated employees as a result of which they enjoyed the second lowest rate of customer complaints among the 10 Largest U. S. Airlines. Service profit Chain Jet Blue internal marketing let to employee satisfaction, which led to customer satisfaction and increased revenue growth and profitability for Jet Blue. Jet Blue employees considered themselves as an integral member of the airlines. There were instances wherein the employees were responding to the customer on the complaints raised by them during the time of crisis, this is one classic example of high internal service quality in Jet Blue. The employees in Jet Blue were highly satisfied which led to employee retention and employee productivity; in addition to that this led to high external service value to the end customer. The customer were satisfied with their jet blue experience, in addition to that Jet Blue also had a loyal base of customer which came out in defense of the airline during the time of crisis. As a result of overall value chain Jet Blue experienced year on year revenue growth from 000 to 2004 and which led to profitability for the firm. Q. What challenges did David Melanin and his executive team face in managing the customer experience as the airline grew rapidly? How did they respond to those challenges? We have used the McKinney as Framework to analyze the steps taken by David Melanin after the first crisis of 2005. as Framework is used for auditing the current state of the organization and it can also be used to implement new strategy. S framework consist Of hard and soft Gs. All the as have to align for the strategy to work. If the as are aligned then the short- term strategy also works. Strategy: Jet Blue short-term strategy was to scale up to increase the revenue by market development. They planned to expand their services to medium and small sized cities. They believed that since the carriers in medium and short run cities are less they can charge a premium on the t ickets leading to better revenues. Structure In order to implement the strategy the firm also has to restructure its organization chart. There is no information present in the case on the change on restructuring of the organization. The people involved in the organization structure were CEO, David Melanin and Chief Operating Officer, Dave Barge. There are instances in the case were it is highlighted that CEO was involved in every aspect Of the business. We believe that they should have hired people from the local area upon expansion so that the load on the CEO and Chief Operating Officer should have been reduced and better handling of the on ground resources could have taken place by quick decision making. They should have restructured the organization. This was one S, which was not aligned with the company strategy. Systems: In order to implement the new strategy it is important for the organization to improve upon the systems and current processes. Jet Blue moved towards automation and smarter business processes; however Jet Blue did not pay any emphasis on customer support and capacity of the system. This led to increased chaos during the time of the crisis. Jet Blue should have load tested there system for the maximum calls and maximum bookings. The system went down when people tried to reschedule or cancel their flights during the time of the crisis. This was another place where Jet Blue strategy was not in line with the existing capacity of the system. Skills Jet Blue did improve the productivity of its workforce upon implementation of the new strategy. The employees were trained to be more productive to handle additional traffic. The Skills were aligned with the strategy. Style The management was actively involved with the customer and employee. The employees also responded positively to the management style. The Style was aligned with the strategy. Shared Value The shared value among the employees of the Jet Blue was to provide the end customer with Jet Blue experience. The Jet Blue experience was high service quality at low cost. The strategy was to expand but not at the expense of shared values. Jet Blue employees were living up to the promise of providing he same-shared values. Staff The staffs of Jet Blue were not increased on scaling up there was a gap between the resource and the demand of the employee. The prefect example of same was when the Jet Blue went through the crisis in 2007 the pilots and ground staffs were not enough to handle the situation on ground. The Style was not aligned with strategy of the company. The model clearly highlights the Gap in the Jet Blue new strategy were in by auditing using as framework we came to know that Staff, System and Structure were not in line with the Jet Blue strategy as a result Of which Jet Blue Was not able to provide prompt covers to people during the time of crisis and hence failed miserably. 3. What exactly went wrong?

Friday, February 21, 2020

Rhetorical Analysis Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Rhetorical Analysis Assignment - Essay Example Rhetorical Analysis Assignment If I present alone, I shall handle the whole topic. We had initially presented as a group privately in preparation for a thorough presentation to the audience. Further to that we allocated our roles in a random manner since everyone in the group had a good grasp of the entire topic of rhetoric analysis of the website selected. The intention of the memo is to make the audience understand how rhetorical analysis is done. I intend to present my memo to my audience in a clear and understandable way. I have chosen to analyze:, which is an Addidas company website. Everyone will concur with me that they like Addidas brands. Because this website is simple and accessible to everybody interested in the Addidas brands, the websites provoke those interested in the company and instills in them an urge to use the company products ( 2012. However, it achieves its purpose partially but there is still a chance to capture more users of the website. This will be achieva ble if the corporation alters the background of the homepage to be bright and captivating. By doing this, they will capture more youths who happens to be the main proprietors of Addidas products. It is commonly referred to as Logos. The intention of this is to form a cognitive response. Example is if an individual has never visited the website, they will be able to easily understand how to use the website. In this text, the homepage of the website is only designed and is made up of several features.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Recovering from global warming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Recovering from global warming - Essay Example This has caused the problem of global warming that has become an issue of major concern internationally. The consequences of global warming have adversely affected human life. It has caused immense changes in rainfall and temperature resulting in more water and food stress. The ice sheets of West Antarctic as well as Greenland have melted permanently. Oceans have become acidified and the global temperature circulation has been affected. Desertification is extending to regions that were previously habitable (Robertson 2006 pp.112-117). Pollution is a very serious problem for the environment, but there are many green and healthy ways to reduce CO2 emissions and create a more sustainable world to live in. Trees play a significant role in reducing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere while they use it in photosynthesis (carbon sequestration). In the process of photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is absorbed by the leaves from the atmosphere and converted in to molecules of carbon which combine with water to produce energy for growth. Oxygen molecules are released in to the environment. This continuous process is significant in ensuring that the free carbon dioxide released in to the atmosphere through anthropogenic processes does not have adverse impacts on the Ozone layer. It is one of the simplest methods of reducing the carbon dioxide in the environment. Research indicates that the tons of carbon dioxide from anthropogenic sources amount to more than 6 billion per year. It has also been established that the current tree biomass is capable of absorbing more than 30 percent of this carbon dioxide (Josphat 2003 pp. 46-51). Earthworks, (1990) established that â€Å"A single tree can clear ou t green house gases produced by a car over a distance of 11,000 kilometers in one year†. This is an indication of how planting more trees can be beneficial in reducing

Monday, January 27, 2020

Comparison of Capital Flows in Asia

Comparison of Capital Flows in Asia 1.1 Background of the Study Capital controls were widely used to prevent the free flow of funds between countries until the late 1970s. A cautious relaxation of such controls during the 1980s proved consistent with greater economic integration among advanced countries and strengthened the case for capital market opening more generally. By the early 1990s, capital controls appeared to be finished as a serious policy tool for relatively open economies. The conventional view about international financial integration is that it should enable capital to flow from high income countries, with relatively high capital labor ratios, to low income countries with lower capital labor ratios. If investment in poor countries is constrained by the low level of domestic saving, access to foreign capital should boost their growth and it would also allow residents of richer countries to get higher returns on their savings invested abroad. Openness to capital flows can expose a country’s financial sector to competition, spu r improvements in domestic corporate governance as foreign investors demand the same standards locally that they are used to at home, and impose discipline on macroeconomic policies and the government more generally. So, even if foreign capital is not needed for financing, financial openness, to both inflows and outflows, may create ‘collateral benefits’ such as domestic financial sector development which could enhance growth in total factor productivity[1]. Capital account liberalization in financially repressed economies often leads to a period of rapid capital inflows followed by financial crises with international financial integration and policy agenda for further liberalization of capital inflows. Concern has also been expressed as to whether the costs of increased vulnerability to financial fragility might not outweigh the gains from financial integration. But most of the countries continue to progress in dismantling capital controls to integrate their financial markets with the rest of the world. 1.2 Justification and Relevance of the Study Economic growth is thought to be a function of investment and other factors. The conventional belief is that foreign capital inflows bring new investible funds and foreign exchange with which the recipient country can achieve higher rates of investment and therefore growth. The role of foreign capital in economic growth is an issue that has provoked continuous debate. Foreign capital augments the total resource availability in a country, but its impact on investment and economic growth is controversial. If judiciously used, it could have favorable effects on economic growth through higher investment and other positive effects. But it is also possible that foreign capital investment might not yield any net benefit to the host country. Economic liberalization and globalization have resulted in rapid mobility of resources between nations as to reap the comparative advantage of the respective country. The 1990s saw a number of capital account crises in emerging market economies. The cris es, which were precipitated by a sudden reversal of capital inflows, occurred against the background of financial market deregulation, capital account liberalization, and financial sector opening. Deregulation and liberalization have undoubtedly brought about benefits in the form of greater financial resource mobilization for domestic investment and economic growth. At the same time, this has created new sources of vulnerabilities in the balance sheets of commercial banks, corporations, and the public sector. For Countries that are still in the process of opening the capital account, how best and how fast to proceed remains an unresolved issue. There is no presumption that the resource requirements of implementing a quick transition are either smaller or larger than those of managing a long transition process or administering capital controls. Developing effective regulatory framework takes time, but a lengthy process may create wrong incentives and distortions. A big-bang approach may be appropriate if a prolonged transition is likely to create resistance from vested interests or if different elements of the existing system are so dependent upon each other that a piecemeal reform is not possible without creating significant distortions. International capital movements can support long-term growth but are not without short-term risks. The long term benefits arise from an efficient allocation of saving and investment between surplus and deficit countries. However, large capital inflows may challenge the absorptive capacity of host countries in the short run by making them vulnerable to external shocks, heightening the risks of economic overheating and abrupt reversals in capital inflows, and facilitating the emergence of credit and asset price boom-and-bust cycles. The inflows expanded the available resources for funding productive investments and privatization, and for raising export capacity and helped finance current account deficits. They contributed to the development of domestic financial markets and the efficiency of banking systems. Foreign participation in domestic government securities markets contributed to liquidity of secondary markets and greater sophistication of financial services such as in Hungary an d Poland. FDI helps in transferring the managerial and technological skills, and strengthen domestic institutions. For the European Union accession countries, capital inflows are a mutually reinforcing factor in the process of integration into the European Union[2]. The long term capital flows, particularly of direct investment have been an important factor in the capital account surplus, and the trend of higher long term inflows has intended to be sustained. A major reason for this has been the success of adjustment programes adopted in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand in the mid 1980, after a period of instability. In these three countries, an overvalued currency was depreciated, large fiscal deficits pattern was repeated in the Philippines in the early 1990s. In all four countries, macroeconomic stabilization was accompanied by policies to open the economy to foreign trade and reform the financial sector[3]. As a consequence of the foreign capital surge experienced by a number of developing countries, since the early 1990s international economists and policy makers have been debating about whether foreign capital flows should be the object of specific policy. The debate crystallized around two opposite stances. On the one hand, there were those who claimed that capital flows were largely exogenous to the recipient countries and, in addition, very destabilizing. The implication of this view was that the economic authorities should design and implement policies to dampen the impact of capital flows on domestic macroeconomic variables. The opposite position departed from the assumption that capital flows largely respond to domestic variables, be they long-term i.e., those affecting the country’s risk premium, or related to short-term demand management. In either case, there is no need to worry explicitly about capital flows. Policy makers concentrate exclusively on improving domestic policies. An early, and influential, analysis of the capital surge to developing countries ascribes it mostly to the effect of falling international interest rates[4]. There were other factors as well, most of them exogenous to emerging economies. In particular, the recession in developed countries reduced rates of return on capital and made investors look for higher returns elsewhere. Likewise, since the Asian financial crisis, foreign capital has retreated from most emerging economies, regardless of the quality of domestic policies. In some cases, the sudden stop[5] has been particularly traumatic e.g., in case of Argentina and Chile. In Argentina, the sudden stop in capital flows created the fiscal and financial problems. In Chile, it has had less disastrous, although still quite unfavorable, effects. But in all cases, the reversal of the 1990s inflows has been dramatic, and it has been accompanied by a sharp deterioration in growth performance. Building upon Ricardo, the welfar e gains from the international partition of labor are widely acknowledged. The economic policy implication has been to remove exchange rate volatility to foster trade and growth. The impact of exchange rate volatility on trade among two or a group of countries has both a micro and macroeconomic dimension. From a microeconomic perspective exchange rate volatility, for instance measured as day to day or week to week exchange rate fluctuations is associated with higher transactions costs because uncertainty is high and hedging foreign exchange risk is costly. Indirectly, fixed exchange rates enhance international price transparency as consumers can compare prices in different countries more easily. If exchange rate volatility is eliminated, international arbitrage enhances efficiency, productivity and welfare. These microeconomic benefits of exchange rate stabilization have been a detrimental motivation of the European monetary integration process. Low transaction costs play an importa nt role for international and intra-regional trade and capital flows. 1.3 Research Questions We have discussed above about the need of international financial integration, liberalization of capital accounts and potential benefits of capital flows. Many countries in the world opened their capital account to reap the benefits of international capital flows for their economic development and growth. A number of studies have been done so far for the study of capital flows on different issues. Some studies are related with benefits and liberalization of capital account which are: does capital account liberalization lead to growth? by Quinn and Toyoda in 2008; why capital account convertibility in India is premature? by Williamson; financial liberalization and the new dynamics of growth in India by Chandrasekhar in 2008; analysis of the capital account in India’s balance of payments by Ranjan et al in 2004; capital account liberalization and economic performance: survey and synthesis by Edison et al. Some are about the capital flows and economic growth such as; FDI and econ omic growth relationship: an empirical study on Malaysia by Mun in 2008; and what makes international capital flows promote economic growth? an international cross-country analysis by Shen et al, in 2010. While others focused on the impact of capital flows on different macroeconomic variable which are; capital flows and their macroeconomic effects in India by Kohli in 2001; differential macroeconomic effects of portfolio and foreign direct investment by Gunther et al in 1996; effects upon monetary conditions, saving and the domestic financial sector by Henry and Tesar in 1999 and many others. An empirical study of the impact of capital inflows upon output growth has been done by Gruben and McLeod in 1996. The studies mentioned above give an idea about the capital flows and their relation with many economic indicators. These topics of capital flows give us keen interest to explore more and study extensively what could be the possible relation and effects with other variables. Capital inflow to Asian countries brought substantial benefit to them. These flows permitted higher levels of investment, facilitated the transfer of technology, enhanced management skills, and enlarged market access. The Asian countries adopted their policies to translate capital flows into capital formation and related imports, and thereby mitigated pressures on exchange rates. By successfully managing foreign capital flows, the East Asian countries could achieve high growth rates. Moreover, capital inflows which were a blessing to the East Asian economies in their development process, created problems in the nineties due to mismanagement. Countries with sound macroeconomic policies and well functioning institut ions are in the best position to reap the benefits of capital flows and minimize the risks. Some countries are gaining from the capital inflows while some others are having negative impact of this on their economies. India and China are the two emerging economic giants of the developing world. Both the economies have immense natural resources, skilled and unskilled, cheap but quality labor force, huge domestic market and above all the relatively stable political environment. Both the economies hence have vast potential to attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) to serve the local market and to become a more important part of the global integration. After China’s entry into World Trade Organization (WTO) China has emerged into the most attractive FDI destination in the developing world. India’s FDI is far below than that of China. Hence, to know more about capital flows in China and India, we have selected these countries for the study of their capital flows and managem ent. Apart from China we have selected Malaysia for the study. Foreign direct investment has been an important source of economic growth for Malaysia, bringing in capital investment, technology and management knowledge needed for economic growth. The most important benefit for a developing country like Malaysia is that FDI could create more employment. In addition, technology transfer is another benefit for the host countries. These three Asian counties attracted capital flows to reap the benefits of financial integration. Capital flows affect a wide range of economic variables such as; exchange rates, interest rates, foreign exchange reserves, domestic monetary condition and the financial system. The developments, which have been done in many Asian countries, have stimulated a keen interest to understand what have been the nature, trend, pattern and economic effects of capital inflows as well as the appropriate policy responses comparatively in the selected Asian Countries. Therefore, here, we are interested to know what have been the surges of capital flows in Asian countries. What caused a need of financial sector reforms in India? How and why liberalization was done and what are the recent trends and composition of capital flows in India? What has been the pattern of capital flows in selected Asian countries? And, further what is the relation of capital flows with exchange rate in selected Asian countries? What could be the policies to manage the flow of capital? To get the answer of the questions mentioned above, some objectives have been set to study and discuss in an appropriate manner. The objectives of the present study have been given below. 1.4 Objectives The broad objective of the present study is to analyze the capital flows comparatively in selected Asian countries. To fulfill the broad objective, there are some small objectives such as: To study the surges of capital flows in Asia; To study the financial sector restructuring, liberalization and capital flows in India; To analyze the trend and pattern of capital flows in India, China and Malaysia comparatively; To analyze the impact of net capital flows on real effective exchange rate and management of capital flows comparatively in selected countries; and To give policy implications. 1.5 Research Design and Methodology The present study is designed to have eight chapters including Introduction and Conclusion. The first chapter is an introductory chapter where the background and justification of capital flows has been given. This chapter gives us a glimpse of the whole study design including the methodology. Liberalization led to greater capital mobility to all the Asian countries and so we are interested to explore more about capital flows. Some objectives are set based on the research questions. To fulfill the objectives, chapter outline has been made. In the second chapter, theoretical perspective of capital flows has been given on various issues related to capital flows. In this chapter a literature survey of existing studies on capital flows has been done and explored what has been the nature, causes and outcomes of capital flows and what kind of financial system and policies are the best suitable to reap the benefits of capital flows. Then, in the third chapter, analysis of surges of capital f lows into Asia has been given. Causes of Asian crisis, consequences, restructuring and improvement of the financial system under various programemes has been given. Average annual growth rate of FDI flows in Asia had been calculated and analyzed to know the surges of capital flows in different regions of Asia. In the fourth chapter, financial sector restructuring in India under various schemes has been given. With the report of Narsimham Committee in 1991, various reforms have been done in money market and capital market. The details of these reforms, different policies improvement in financial sector and their impact on different market indicators has been discussed in this chapter. A discussion of liberalization of the market for international trade and capital mobility in India has been elaborated in the fifth chapter. In this chapter, the trend, pattern and composition of capital flows in India has been analyzed. Percentage of source-wise and industry-wise capital flows in India has also been calculated and analyzed in this chapter. In the sixth chapter, background of capital flows in India, China and Malaysia has been given. Origin and starting of capital mobilization and changing trend of different capital flows in these countries have been analyzed in this chapter. A comparative analysis of trend and pattern of capital flows in India, China and Malaysia has been done in this chapter. A comparative analysis of the relationship between exchange rate and capital flows in India China and Malaysia has been done in chapter 7. For the purpose of empirical analysis to see the impact of net capital flows on real effective exchange rate with some other explanatory variables, OLS method of multivariate linear regression model has been used. Unit root test to fulfill the stationary condition of time series has been done based on three methods; one is ADF test, second is Phillip-Perron test and third is KPSS. A comparative analysis of capital flows and the behavior of real effective exchange rate have been done and then the management of capital in these three countries has been discussed. Conclusion and Policy Implications is the eighth chapter which includes the crux of the present study followed by Bibliography and Appendix. 1.5.1 Countries for the Study The countries for the study of capital flows are chosen from Asia. Selected countries are: 1. India 2. China 3. Malaysia 1.5.2 Data Sources The data for the present study has been taken from various secondary sources. The data sources which have been used in the present study are given below: 1. World Development Indicators (The World Bank). 2. International Debt Statistics (The World Bank). 3. International Financial Statistics (IMF). 4. World Economic Outlook (IMF). 5. Publications of Reserve Bank of India like: i. Report on Currency and Finance. ii. Handbook of Statistics on Indian Economy. 6. UNCTAD database. 1 [1] Eswar S. Prasad and Raghuram G. Rajan, â€Å"A Pragmatic Approach to Capital Account Liberalization†, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Volume 22, Number 3, Summer, 2008, pp. 150-153. [2] See Inci Otker Robe, Zbigniew Polanski, Bany Topf and David Vavra, â€Å"Coping with Capital Inflows: Experience of Selected European Countries†, IMF Working Paper, WP/07/190, 2007, pp. 7. [3] Linda M Koenig, â€Å"Capital Inflows and Policy Responses in the Asian Region†, IMF Working Paper, WP/96/25, 1996, p. 6. [4] Also see Calvo, Leiderman, and Reinhart, 1993. [5] Calvo, Izquierdo, and Talvi, have felicitously labeled this term, 2002, pp. 3-4

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Can Logging Help the Enviorment Essay -- Environment, Saving Forests

The Earths forest hold up to 90% of the terrestrial plants and animal species (Heaton 76). About 13 million hectares of the world’s forests are cut down each year (FAO 2005). Forests also hold 25% of modern medicines (World Rainforest Movement 28), while the United States is the largest wood consumer in the world; Heaton says that the US, per capita, consumes approximately 330 kg in wood based products compared to 233 kg in Germany who holds second place (WRI 2003). WWF has been trying for years to help with the world’s preservation of forests. WWF’s policy toward conservation of forests states â€Å"†¦[to] influence broader, long-term governmental policy - domestically and internationally - that supports our mission to conserve 19 of the world's most important natural places and significantly change global markets to protect the future of nature by 2015.† Being raised in logging community where logging is not just a livelihood for the citizens, but a major and necessary industry, I have been made very aware of the arguments for both sides. However, the media tends to be biased in favor of environmentalism. We have myriads of organizations that are formed just to prevent further damage to our environment and ecosystem. Over the past twenty years, multiple laws have been implemented to try and save forests across America as a result of petitions, protests, and people wanting to do well for the environment. I want to believe that by reducing logging and by expanding our national forests to save the ecosystem and animal habitats, the problem of depletion of forests would be solved, however, these hopes, that are the same hopes of environmentalist organizations, of banning logging are neither ideal nor logical. I would like to know if th... ...ry, and it’s incredibly difficult for the government to put a complete stop to the practice. The human race has used wood since the dawn of man. We are so dependent on this material that we have exhausted or resources to the point of certain plant and animal species are now on the verge of extinction or already nonexistent. But, there is hope for the forests around the world. Organizations, such as WWF, FSC, SFI have shown great results for saving natural resources, and in the cases of FSC and SFI they have reused and recycled many items without further harm to the planet. I think that with further study in biodiversity, we could create a huge impact for future generations to come that would prove to be quite useful. I think that if this research was to commence that there would be a greater understanding of our environment and how to handle and treat it better.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Sexism and Film Anaylisis/G.I.Jane

The movie G. I. Jane was written by Daniel Alexander. The film was directed by Ridley Scott and was released in 1997. The film is about a female senator that succeeds in getting a woman, Jordan O’Neil (Demi Moore), into the Navy SEALS training. If women compare favorably with men in a series of test cases, the military will integrate women fully into all branches of the Navy. The female character goes through rigorous training right alongside the men. Everyone expects the woman to fail during the intensive training that a SEAL must complete. O'Neil faces sexism and physical challenges as she struggles to complete the training at the same quality or better than her male counterparts. The film’s title is interesting because it immediately draws attention to the difference between the commonly, known cliche of G. I. Joe to G. I. Jane. The title stands for a woman in the military which is not the norm. The film opening shows the unrest on the subject of fairness to women in the military. Throughout the film, there are scenes discussing the inequality in the military for women. The scene where the senators are discussing selecting a woman and then the scene when O’Neil is selected set a tone for the film showing the unfair manner in which women are treated in the military. Continuing the unfair treatment, the scenes during the basic training and the scene showing how the officers abuse O’Neil reinforce the problems faced by a female in the military. Sexism is a hurdle that any woman in the military must confront. In the film, darkness and dimmed lighting sets a mood where there is some mystery or some violence involved. The director uses one scene that is seen through the eyes of G. I. Jane to give the viewers a real feel for how G. I. Jane sees the world. The scene is where O’Neil fights her Master Chief and features a wide variety of camera angles while focusing in on O’Neil fighting to free her teammates. A climaxing scene in the film is when O’Neil is given the poem â€Å"Self Pity† and is then congratulated by her Master Chief. O'Neil fights back and wins his respect and that of the other trainees. This scene sums up all of the good work and success achieved by O’Neil in the Navy SEALS. In this case, O’Neil has conquered and won the battle of sexism facing women in the military. O’Neil has proven she has the physical strength to compete with the men. The film shows that sexism is unnecessary, but unfortunately will probably exist forever. In this movie, sexism is thrown out the door as Demi Moore’s role in the movie proves sexism is outdated. The film shows that adversity can be overcome. Another piece of literature that has a similar theme is A Jury of Her Peers that deals with women being under appreciated. In the short story, a country attorney speaks with sarcasm to women and pokes fun at the women for occupying themselves with little things while the men were investigating a murder. All the while, the men were missing the details and clues that would help explain what happened during the murder. In this story and in the movie G. I. Jane, men underestimate what women are capable of accomplishing.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Consequences of Friedmans Shareholder Theory for Hrm...

Milton Friedman wrote in 1973 that managements â€Å"primary responsibility is to the shareholders who own and invest in the company†. What are the consequences of this philosophy for HRM ethics, and what alternative perspectives might serve the profession in the future? Friedman’s Shareholder Theory Milton Friedman’s shareholder theory has had a broad range of consequences for HRM ethics. The main consequence being that if management are only answerable to owners and shareholders, and must do as they wish, management’s quest will almost always be to maximise profit. Organisations that are constantly trying to maximise profits are often constricted by short-termism. Short-termism refers to the excessive focus of some organisational leaders on†¦show more content†¦Many organisations that follow this shareholder theory have largely questionable ethics towards their employees as they seek to maximise profits without breaking the law. A good example of an organisation that follows this theory is Ryanair. Ryanair’s (2012) code of ethics clearly states that â€Å"Ryanair is committed to the fair and equitable treatment of all employees and abides by employment laws in the countries in which it does business.† Ryanair does not break any laws with reg ard the treatment of their employee’s. However, they do marginalise workers as they are not actually employees of Ryanair, but independent contractors. Employment law places strict responsibility on employers for their employees, whereas the conditions for independent contractors are not as strict. This allows Ryanair to maximise profits without having to incur extra costs such as tax requirements and providing better work conditions. Short-termism can also directly affect an organisations HRM ethics in other ways. Kreymeyer et al. (2006) carried out a survey of more than four hundred executives across many of the largest U.S. corporations. Analysis of the survey found that, due to the pressures of short-termism, more than half of all respondents said they would delay or cancel new projects, even if the cancellation of thoseShow MoreRelatedCase Study148348 Words   |  594 Pageslittle full-time work experience the text should prove useful in providing a systematic approach and illustrations of strategy in practice. The illustrations and case examples in the text (and associated work assignments) should be used to relate theory to practice. Case studies and the video material should be used in fairly focused ways – in order to consolidate that stage in the learning – rather than in an all-embracing way 9  © Pearson Education Limited 2011 Johnson, Whittington and Scholes